الشاعر معين شلبية يشارك ويكرم في مهرجان الشعر العالمي - رومانيا
14/09/2019 - 08:13:44 pm

عاد الشاعر معين شـــــــلبية البارحة إلى المغار / الجليل، بعد أن شارك في "مهرجان الشعر العالمي - رومانيا" وهو الملتقى الذي ضم حوالي أكثر من 50 شاعرًا وشاعرة، وناقداً وناقدة من العالم، يمثلون بلادهم، من مختلف الأجيال.

هذا وقد تلقى الشاعر دعوة رسمية للمشاركة في المهرجان من رئيس الاتحاد الشاعر الكبير "أدريان سوشو" ومؤسسة الثقافة الرومانية، وهي المؤسسة الثقافية ذات الطابع الخاص، التي بادرت إلى تأسيسها الناقدة كريستينا بيرند. وألقى الشعراء مجموعة من قصائدهم في مدن شاطئ البحر الأسود، " كوستينيشي، كوتستانتا، توزلا " ، وذلك بحضور جمهور غفير ومميّز من المثقفين والأدباء والكتاب والضيوف الرسميين والشعراء ومن الجدير بالذكر أن الإعلام الروماني المرئي والمسموع قد واكب هذا النشاط كونه حدثاً ثقافياً مميزاً.

حلم يتحقق، أن تشارك في مهرجان رائع كهذا المهرجان الذي يعد من أهم المهرجانات عالمياً. 

برنامج المهرجان كان مكثفاً جداً، امتد يوميًا من العاشرة صباحاً إلى العاشرة ليلاً؛ مخيم شعري موسيقي، جاد ومكثف، ولكن هذا الكثافة لم تمنع الشعراء بعد كل عشاء أن يلتقوا فيما بينهم في حديقة الفندق أو صالته للتواصل وقراءة الشعر والغناء.

حرص مدير المهرجان الشاعر الكبير أدريان على إصدار أنطولوجيا لرفد قراء الشعر في رومانيا بالشعر العربي وذلك بمشاركة الشاعرة الجميلة إيرينا لازار، كريستينا بيرند وسيمونا توما.

وقد أختتم المهرجان بتكريم الشعراء.           


As an answer to the invitation of the great Romanian poet Adrian Suciu, to participate in the international poetry festival which was held between 30 AUG - 01 SEPT 2019. 

After an enjoyable journey from Maghar town, which is Overlooking at the Sea of Galilee, to Bucharest Airport the capital of the Republic of Romania, I have arrived the airport at night, I was very glad to see my dear Cristina Berinde / vice – president, and my dear Adrian Suciu, The President of the international poetry festival " poezia Vie", who waited for me and took me to Ishtar hotel residence, there I met the hotel manager, a beautiful and active woman in the poetry camp, and after that to Costinesti town where the festival – poetry camp, is located, on the black sea coast, where the poets were staying, breathing the fresh air, which was full with poetic aroma and fragrance coming from the black see and the charming nature of the area, eager to shutter the walls of its rich human history and the longstanding culture of the country.

I found my friends the poets, on pins and needles at the midnight in the hotel’s garden, welcoming me with a warm spontaneous hug full with love and respect. 

Costinesti, is one of the most attractive places in Romania. It is charming with its clear atmosphere, fascinating by the density of trees and the beautiful houses surrounding. It is impossible to walk about there without being charmed with its breathtaking beauty. More than 50 poets from around the world and Romania had participated in this important festival. 

We have met in Costinesti town, Constanta town, Tuzla town, where the activities of the festival were held to perform our poems in our mother tongue, with translation to English and to Romanian - the local language there. We used the power of poetry /songs / music to demolish the borders of ideologies, which stand in the way of human unity, and we used the power of the sweet genuine words to build a bridge for unlimited human communication. Poetry is an unlimited universal horizon, where the poet can find himself and be himself, a free spiritual creature that cannot live encaged, as the poet - president Adrian said in his warm opening speech. 

During the days of the festival, the poets had read poems in official places, and in the beautiful gardens, we brought poetry nearer and closer to the public, so we could touch their feelings and sensations, which took the festival into a more supreme level. All the events of the festival were covered by the TV, media, reporters and journalists.

Whence, I have talked happily to the poet / president Adrian, and his colleagues and impresarios, and to every and each poet about his impressions about the festival. A warm bond was created between the poets; we gave each other’s books. I expressed my profound pleasure to meet new poets who represent different visions, eras and generations, especially with Irina Lazar, a very special relationship has been embroidered with her. Under the guidance of the festival's president Adrian, Irina and I decided to issue an Arab-Roman ontology covering ten creative Arab poets, which Irina will officially release.

Poets have such a supreme spirit; they showed a great affection and love to me and for that, I thank them deeply. Hence, I will not forge my dear friend Simona Toma, Cristina Berinde for her overwhelmed kindness and for translated my poems.



The head of the festival is the great poet Adrian Suciu and his assistants, showed exceptional love, affections and respect for their guests, their admire was clear via hotel accommodation, hospitality, cultural events, poetry readings by all poets several time in every evening. A very unique point was the participation of the people, in every evening there was a huge audience companied of people from different social levels and groups, unlike many previous festivals which I have attended before, where the audience is mostly from the elite or people from the field of poetry, and this shows and reflects the importance of poetry in the Republic of Romania.

My deep gratitude to my friend and soulmate Adrian, not only  for all he had brought about, but also for his creative and exceptional imagination that grants and awards free wings to your poetry and your creativeness, which is vividly appears in your saying: “I told thee, you cannot learn poetry from man, it’s a gift from God and it is derived from his mercy.” 

 Thank you, my friends, thank you for being my friends and I hope we will meet soon in another poetry festivals. 

المقالات المنشورة تعبر عن رأي كاتبها فقط، وموقع المدار بفسح المجال أمام الكاتب لطرح افكاره االتي كتبت بقلمه ويقدم للجميع مساحة حرة للتعبير
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مكان الاقامة :
التعليق :
هام جدا : أدارة الموقع لا تنشر اي تعقيب فيه تجاوز لقانون القذف والتشهير, وتقع المسؤلية على كاتب التعقيب
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