The Hawk and the Sparrows - د منير موسى
03/09/2018 - 05:56:05 am

The Hawk and the Sparrows

(Short story) Dr. Muneer Moosa


The Hawk and the Sparrows

(Short story) Dr. Muneer Moosa


A flock of finches and nightingales were enjoying eating grapes on the vine without a care in the world. All was serene as they danced happily round the vine, fluttering their wings with nothing to disturb their constant low twittering. Suddenly, a group of birds took off with Voices shrill with terror. They alighted on the high Chinaberry tree. Its silky soft green leaves and purple-white flowers waving in the light breeze. The shepherd Gusty heard the birds and knew that they were in distress. He quickly shouldered his staff and ran to help. His friend the hawk looked down and recognized him, remembering how Gusty used to feed him every day. Then, he noticed a viper climbing the grapevine. In a flash, the hawk swooped down and seized the viper in his beak, soaring high with his prey. The birds set up a joyous clamor. They began to sing a song about their friendship with the hawk and Gusty:

The universe is ours. The sincere hawk saved us.

Listen to the music    of our chirping.

We love peace.


Gusty looked at the hawk and the other birds and said: "A friend in need is a friend indeed."


المقالات المنشورة تعبر عن رأي كاتبها فقط، وموقع المدار بفسح المجال أمام الكاتب لطرح افكاره االتي كتبت بقلمه ويقدم للجميع مساحة حرة للتعبير
الاسم الكامل :
مكان الاقامة :
التعليق :
هام جدا : أدارة الموقع لا تنشر اي تعقيب فيه تجاوز لقانون القذف والتشهير, وتقع المسؤلية على كاتب التعقيب
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