Shiny the Clever Pupil - د منير موسى
29/08/2018 - 09:52:51 am


Shiny the Clever Pupil

Dr. Muneer Moosa


Shiny the Clever Pupil

Dr. Muneer Moosa


Amid trees and roses the song of birds the lights of Meadow School twinkle cheerfully. Shiny is abright pupil who drinks thirsty from the school's well of knowledge. Although he likes the atmosphere in the classroom, he prefers to do his lessons in the nature , where he can listen the chirping birds and crickets. In class he is restless and liable to nervous outbursts . Pearl is his teacher for English and Arithmatic, and she is aware of his inattentiveness and his latecoming; but whenever she surprises him with a difficult question he always knows the answer. Linnet ,a vivacious girl in Shiny's class, saw him once sitting in the shade of a tree, alone and weeping. So she did her best to comfort him and ease his distress. His classmates werw surprised at his cleverness , but also at his strange behaviour.

Evantually the teacher Pearl went to Rose pupils' Counsellor, to seek help for Shiny, but all her efforts were ineffective, so that Shiny got worse , and his studies began to suffer. The other pupils began to keep clear of him, although he was never aggressive towards them. Finaly Shiny failed the

mid-term exams, and was not allowed to move up to the next class. All his classmates were despondent; but Linnet a very bright pupil, told Pearl that she had seen Shiny under a tree, deep in thought, his tears following. Pearl was at a loss, but she was determined to find a way to help Shiny out of his troubles. But it was Linnet who suggested that the whole class go to visit Shiny at home. So they went all together, pupils and teacher, and brought him gifts; and a bunch of flowers. When Pearl realized that Shiny was an orphan she wept and decided on a plan of action to help him. She brought him to stay at home with her family, did every thing possible to encourage him, and to close the gap between Shiny and his classroom. And soon things improved : Shiny was once again a diligent pupil , and soon began to excel in the classroom.When Pearl the teacher, decided to allow him to rejoin his class everyone was pleased, and his friends embraced him affectionately. At the and of term Shiny was top of the class, and they all sang together:

Shiny is our mate - We love to learn

Our books are great- For knowledge we yearn.


المقالات المنشورة تعبر عن رأي كاتبها فقط، وموقع المدار بفسح المجال أمام الكاتب لطرح افكاره االتي كتبت بقلمه ويقدم للجميع مساحة حرة للتعبير
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مكان الاقامة :
التعليق :
هام جدا : أدارة الموقع لا تنشر اي تعقيب فيه تجاوز لقانون القذف والتشهير, وتقع المسؤلية على كاتب التعقيب
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